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Acceptance of the equipment for the icebreaker «Siberia» have been completed

29 марта 2018

One of the most significant events in recent years from the point of view of development of the Russian Arctic took place at the end of 2017 in St. Petersburg - the launching of the hull of the first serial universal nuclear-powered icebreaker «Siberia» of project 22220. Now at the Baltic shipyard continues the completion of the icebreaker, in which the specialists of the company «EnergoFront» are also participating. 

Ледокол “Сибирь” проекта 22220

In particular, acceptance testing of frequency converters and transformers designed to supply the icebreaker in the composition of the feeding electropump units PEMA 250-80 were conducted at the production site of LLC «Rustmash» (Corporation «Triol»). The tests were carried out under the supervision of the acceptance commission, composed of competent experts of the FSUE «Atomflot», JSC «HMS Livgidromash» (branch of JSC «HMS Livgidromash» in Moscow) and LLC «EnergoFront».

It is worth noting that at the same place, at the Baltic shipyard, the head nuclear icebreaker of project 22220 «Arktika» is being under completion, the supply of the equipment for which was also developed by specialists of LLC «EnergoFront».

The opinion of the Head of Department of equipment sales for OEM-customers of LLC «EnergoFront» Alexey Ivanov: «Such close attention from the customer's representatives to the project and to all current production moments, including the issue of acceptance of equipment, is due to great responsibility, since these sets of equipment will be responsible for the supply of feed water to the steam turbine plant of nuclear icebreaker. Universal nuclear icebreakers of project 22220 will become the largest and most powerful in the world. We need them to ensure Russia's leadership in the Arctic. They will be able to lead caravans of ships in Arctic conditions, punching ice up to 3 meters thick. We are proud that we contribute a lot to the success of our company and the whole country».

With the wish of powerful projects,

team EnergoFront #FrontProject


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